Emotional Intelligence at Work: How Understanding Emotions Can Help You Improve Yourself and Your Team


Monday, September 17, 2018 at 9:00am Eastern Daylight Time (Washington, DC)
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We all have emotions, but we can run into trouble when our emotions control us.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) involves learning to recognize and deal effectively our own emotions as well as those of others. Whether it’s a case of losing our cool in a meeting, becoming paralyzed when a colleague loses it, or breaking down over a stressful day, understanding professional situations through the lens of EI helps us do better the next time.

Join us for an introduction to an essential Emotional Intelligence framework. During this session you will gain an appreciation for how working with EI can be useful on your journey toward further professional growth.

About your Presenter:
Dr. Sharon Wallace is an organizational effectiveness consultant, executive coach, and educator who helps leaders transform themselves and their organizations through deeper self-knowledge, collaborative decision-making, relationship management, and teamwork.

Dr. Wallace holds a PhD in psychology and an MBA in management information systems. Her psychological research has involved understanding what makes strong, functional communities work.

Once the Adventure Ends: Making Sense of Life after Returning Home from the CCI Program


Monday, June 25, 2018 at 9:00am Eastern Daylight Time (Washington, DC)
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What happens when you go abroad and return home a changed person? This webcast will cover what takes place in any major life transition, including “re-entry.” We will discuss “reverse culture shock” and other unique re-entry challenges and how to develop effective strategies for coping with them.

The session will help you reflect on how you have been changed by your CCI experience and how you can keep your momentum going as you move through re-entry and toward your goals.

About your Presenter:
Tina Quick is an international speaker, cross-cultural trainer, and author of “The Global Nomad’s Guide to University Transition” and “Survive and Thrive: The International Student’s Guide to Succeeding in the U.S.” She is the founder of International Family Transitions (IFT), a comprehensive service that specializes in serving the needs of globally mobile students and their families. She works closely with international schools, colleges, and universities around the world.

Often billed by international schools as “The Transitions Expert,” she is a well-seasoned traveler who has raised her own three daughters across four cultures and continents including Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America. Her 15+ years of living abroad sparked her passion for addressing the challenges and benefits that stemmed from her own children’s rich multi-cultural background.

CCI Live: Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF) Webcast – March 2018

This webcast (recorded on March 17th, 2018) features CCI Alumni, Ana Lucía Cole, discussing her team’s experience applying for the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund (AEIF). By sharing the challenges she faced; everything from form completion, engaging with the US Embassy, choosing a topic, and the difficult task of thinking through real world scenarios and ideas before they become reality, the viewer will get an applicant’s perspective first hand.

Virtual Auditorium Access

[tabs style=”vertical” title=”About this Session…”] [tab title=”Session Description”]Session Description
The following sessions took place in this virtual auditorium. PLease select the corresponding tab TO THE LEFT to access the session archive.

  • Opening Session – Greetings from CCI Team (Amanda Fletcher and John Sedlins)
  • Opening Session – CCI Alumni Making a Difference: Alumni Panel (Charlotte West)
    Alumni will share their experiences engaging in community development after returning from the United States. CCI students have started their own NGOs, volunteered through international non-profits, and worked with organizations engaged with language and culture. Panelists from Indonesia, Ghana, Colombia, Pakistan, and South Africa will share their stories and provide tips on how to get involved in your own community.
  • Closing Remarks – Review of Alumni Resources (Joan Zaffarano)
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Skills to Advance Peacebuilding Pathways

[tabs style=”vertical” title=”About this Session…”] [tab title=”Session Description”]Session Description
The world today faces many challenges including environmental degradation, poverty, forced migration, and violence. However, strategies can be employed in communities to promote peacebuilding outcomes. In this session, David Smith will share with participants specific approaches and still sets that are important to implementing and succeeding in peacebuilding projects.[/tab] [tab title=”Presenter(s)”]Presenter(s)
David J. SmithDavid J. Smith
Forage Center for Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Education, Inc.
David J. Smith’s work spans the fields of peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and civic and global education. He has over 30 years’ experience as an educational consultant, lawyer, family, business, and community mediator, college professor, trainer, senior program officer and manager, and author. David supports educators, youth, and professionals in developing institution-wide initiatives and student activities promoting civic, conflict, and peacebuilding awareness. He works with groups and individuals in need of career and conflict coaching, mediation, and conflict engagement assistance. He has consulted with nearly 400 colleges around the U.S. and has given over 600 talks on peacebuilding, conflict resolution, and international education. He is the president of the Forage Center for Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Education, Inc., a 501c3 not-for-profit that offers experiential learning opportunities for students and professionals. He was formerly a senior program officer and coordinator of national outreach at the U.S. Institute of Peace. He has taught at Harford Community College, Goucher College, Towson University, Georgetown University, and currently at the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University. David was a founding member of the Harford County (Maryland) Community Mediation Commission. He was a U.S. Fulbright Scholar at the University of Tartu (Estonia) teaching peace studies and alternative dispute resolution. David is the recipient of the William Kreidler Award for Distinguished Service to the field of Conflict Resolution given by the Association for Conflict Resolution and the inaugural Global Education Award for Outstanding Voluntary Service Leadership given by the World Affairs Council/Washington, DC. David is past chair of the Rockville (Maryland) Human Rights Commission, where he received the Community Mediator of the Year Award. His clients have included the Fulbright Association, where he led its diversity initiative, and Street Law, Inc., where he spearheaded its community college efforts. David is the author of Legal Research and Writing (Cengage, 1996) and editor of Peacebuilding in Community Colleges: A Teaching Resource (USIP Press, 2013). He recently published Peace Jobs: A Student’s Guide to Starting a Career Working for Peace (Information Age Publishing, 2016) and is the co-author of USIP Special Report 246 Graduate Education and Professional Practice in International Peace and Conflict (August 2010). He has published in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Education, Conflict Resolution Quarterly, Community College Journal, Journal of Peace Education, Huffington Post, The New York Times, and Baltimore Sun. He is a graduate of American University (BA, political science & urban affairs), George Mason University (MS, conflict analysis & resolution), and the University of Baltimore (JD). He lives in Rockville, Maryland, with his wife, who teaches nursing at Montgomery College, and daughter, who is a high school senior. Their son is serving in the Peace Corps in Namibia. David holds dual American and Canadian citizenship.
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