Once the Adventure Ends: Making Sense of Life after Returning Home from the CCI Program


Monday, June 25, 2018 at 9:00am Eastern Daylight Time (Washington, DC)
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What happens when you go abroad and return home a changed person? This webcast will cover what takes place in any major life transition, including “re-entry.” We will discuss “reverse culture shock” and other unique re-entry challenges and how to develop effective strategies for coping with them.

The session will help you reflect on how you have been changed by your CCI experience and how you can keep your momentum going as you move through re-entry and toward your goals.

About your Presenter:
Tina Quick is an international speaker, cross-cultural trainer, and author of “The Global Nomad’s Guide to University Transition” and “Survive and Thrive: The International Student’s Guide to Succeeding in the U.S.” She is the founder of International Family Transitions (IFT), a comprehensive service that specializes in serving the needs of globally mobile students and their families. She works closely with international schools, colleges, and universities around the world.

Often billed by international schools as “The Transitions Expert,” she is a well-seasoned traveler who has raised her own three daughters across four cultures and continents including Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America. Her 15+ years of living abroad sparked her passion for addressing the challenges and benefits that stemmed from her own children’s rich multi-cultural background.

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